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Flying and Chick's Annual PRHC Quiz Returns!!!

Flying and Chick's Annual PRHC Quiz Returns!!!

Saturday 1 March 2025
19:00 - 22:30
Jackie Batten-Lincoln

Save the Date as its back!!

The very popular Flying and Chick's quiz will return in 2025 on Saturday 1st March.

We'll be back at Purley Barn where we'll have the usual rounds of trivia, table-top conundrums and possibly a tasting round (if we know Chick!).

Arrive at 7pm for 7.15pm start.

Spaces are £5 per person and you can secure a spot (or a table) with Flying.

Non members are very welcome to the quiz so get your family and friends signed up to play.

Don't worry if you don't have a team - we can join you into a table. Get ready to have a good laugh with BYO drinks and snacks.

Teams are a max of 6 people, and you're encouraged to bring a raffle prize :-)

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11 members attending
James Mutton
James Mutton
Richard Reeves
Richard Reeves
Jackie Batten-Lincoln
Jackie Batten-Lincoln
Simon Prinn
Simon Prinn
Alec Briggs
Alec Briggs
Marlese Rosch Haden
Marlese Rosch Haden